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H1Z1 Battle Royale Is Launching A Free-to-Play Open Beta On The Playstation 4

The variety of games that offer a Battle Royale mode has grown since the popularity of PUBG and Fortnite. One of the popular original games that offered a Battle Royale mode, on the PC, was H1Z1 which has a still growing fan base. Currently, Fortnite is unrivaled on the PS4 as the game to play for Battle Royale, but that won't be the case much longer. Now PS4 console players can look forward to a new-to-them, free-to-play Battle Royale game as Daybreak announced that H1Z1 will be available on PS4 in an open beta this May 22nd!

This console launch will be more than just a port over though. H1Z1 will be launching with all new weapons, gear, vehicles and more! There's something new for even the experienced players on PC to check out. Here's what the games producer, Terrence Yee, had to say about the launch:

"This is the battle-royale game for fans of action console shooters. Battle royale should be about the adrenaline rush you get from being one of the last few remaining, so we’ve drilled down to that core gameplay experience to keep players engaged in all the action. This means more guns, more vehicles, more weapons, a streamlined UI, familiar console controls and faster matches—it’s pure battle royale."

If you are too excited to wait for May 22nd you can sign up for the closed beta and help the developers bring the best form of the game over to the PS4. You can also check out the full official announcement on the PlayStation blog.

I'm personally a fan of Fortnite and don't see myself making the switch, but a new free game is always worth at least checking out. Do you think you will end up on H1Z1 or are you too hooked on Fortnite to say if you will switch without trying the game for comparison first?