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Harmonix is Making a Music Board Game And It Looks Pretty Dope

Harmonix, the creators of Rock Band and Dance Central, has teamed up with Hasbro for a new music game called DropMix. The good news is that you won’t need an expensive console or instrument peripherals; you only need a phone or tablet with Bluetooth capability.

The game comes with a cool looking mat-board-thing with a cradle for your Bluetooth device, and cards. The cards are different parts of popular songs such as the drums from “It’s Tricky” by Run DMC or guitar from the catchy Meghan Trainor hit “All About that Bass”. Players will take turns playing cards on the mat to try to create the best song combinations. If you have ever dreamed of being a mashup DJ, this may be a good way to get your feet wet.

Personally, I’m not sure this is going to be a huge hit, but it could be a lot of fun for small parties or with the right people. Technically it’s supposed to only be a 1v1 or 2v2 game but I could see it expanding a little depending on your group of friends. Don’t forget to check out the trailer below and mark your calendars for September.