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Here's A 30 Minute Compilation Of All INJUSTICE 2 Footage That Showed This Year

It's been a weird time since the initial announcement of Injustice 2. We got so much footage right out of the gate at E3, but then nothing for the rest of the year save a few character announcements. While details have been sparse on the upcoming fighter releasing in 2017, the gameplay footage has been plentiful. Out of the 30+ minutes of footage featured in this demo...I would say 12 minutes of which I had seen. They've been doing a lot of weird exclusive streams with different outlets so there's a good chance there's a lot of stuff you haven't seen. 

Let me know what you think of the footage. Personally, I feel like they've really tightened up the mechanics, and I'm really hoping the Soul Caliber like customization system fills a void in my life!