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Hi-Rez Announces New Card Based Competitive Tower Defense Game SMITE RIVALS

Hi-Rez announced at their expo they're bringing a new game, Smite Rivals, to PC and mobile phones. Using the champions from Smite, players will battle on an overhead view of your typical 3 lane Conquest map. Players will send units through the lanes and use cards to upgrade units and weaken enemies with the winner being the one to successfully reach the opponents tower. As you progress through the game you'll unlock more cards for units and buffs, as well as different strategies and playstyles.

I caught a brief glimpse of the game last night and one thing that really stood out to me is the unique art style and the fast gameplay. This is a game you can hop on and complete a full match in the time it takes you to go to the bathroom at work, or just hanging out! You can also transfer progress from mobile to PC and vice-versa so if you want to dive head first into this game you totally can. 

This looks to be a fairly meaty experience for a free to play game so I'm a little excited!

The game is currently available at the Expo to play so we'll be sure to share video of our gameplay later today! If you're looking to try and play it sometime soon, you can request to join the closed beta here!