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In Less Than Three Days, FROSTHAVEN Kickstarter Campaign Hits The Stratosphere

Frosthaven is the much-anticipated sequel to the board game phenomenon Gloomhaven, and it launched on March 31st to resounding success.

The campaign reached the $500,000 funding goal in less than thirty minutes and by the end of the first day, backers had pledged more than $3 million.

That number has since climbed, with over 40,000 backers pledging over $5 million. It’s an astounding start for the tabletop roleplaying game, and it’s even more impressive given the current economic climate.

Isaac Childres, the creator of Gloomhaven and Frosthaven, has expressed his awe and gratitude at the outpouring of support from the tabletop community. It’s a truly bonkers start to what could very well be the highest-earning Kickstarter campaign of 2020 for board games.

If you’re interested in the upcoming board game, there are still 29 days to join as a backer. And just like Gloomhaven, the sequel can be played solo, so it’s possible to get some hardcore gaming in without the regular game group around.

Cheers to Isaac Childres and everyone at Cephalofair Games! It’s a great start for Frosthaven, and it’s exciting how well the game could do before the Kickstarter campaign is over.