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Item Leaks Reveal Returning Characters And More For THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD

Warning: This post contains spoilers fro The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. 

Dataminers are hard at work getting all they can from the Wii-U release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild and they're uncovering some pretty interesting stuff. For example, it would appear a couple characters from past games will be making their return in the game, take a look at these skins: 

Yup, that's Dark Link and Fierce Deity Link. You'll also notice that Link's traditional gear has been redesigned to fit the late 80's art style of the character. It's also been revealed that both Dark Link and Fierce Deity Link have matching mounts:

Fierce Deity Link's weapon has also been spotted in the game items:

Another big talking point around the leaks revolves around the title screen, which you can see here:

No real details as to what this is, but many have speculated the man in the picture is Ganondorf. I just noticed right now he's holding the Fierce Deity sword, so what the hell does that mean?! Looks like we're in for a trip!

Those are the big leaks, but there are also a couple dumps for Zelda customization as well as in-game weapons and items that you can check out in the gallery below. Who's pumped to see Fierce Deity Link back?! It'll be awesome if you can use him outside of boss chambers as that wasn't an option in Majora's Mask.