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Konami Could Bring Metal Gear Solid 4 To Modern Systems

With the release of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1, we got the first-half of the Metal Gear Solid series ending at the third entry. However, the 4th one was what fans thought would be the most elusive to acquire due to a litany of problems, but it seems Konami might be able to do some magic as they tease it in an IGN article.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is special for a broad number of reasons and is considered as troubling to bring to modern systems as is Metal Gear Solid 1 remake - The Twin Snakes, on the Nintendo GameCube released back in 2004.

I know I would like to see how Konami navigates all of the barriers of porting over this forgotten game to the 2nd Volume, and I will have my fingers crossed throughout the wait.