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Love Online: 10 Fun Internet Date Ideas

You’ve met a great person online. The two of you are having amazing conversations. Someday, you’d love to meet them in person. Right now, one or both of you isn’t quite ready to do the face-to-face thing. The problem is that things are getting a bit boring online. You want some fun things to do while keeping things strictly digital. Why not check out these ten fun internet date ideas?

1. Virtual Museum Tour

How about an evening date spent touring a world-class museum and looking at exhibits you might never see in person? You can do that! Google Arts & Culture has teamed up with more than 1000 museums, art galleries, and other places of cultural significance. You and your online date can learn about each place and its displays. Click on the explore button and start a self-guided tour.

Looking for a few alternatives to this idea? Find the museum you want to tour and head directly to its website. Many offer virtual tours there along with helpful audio from a tour guide or docent. The two of you can also check out fascinating live camera feeds from places like the International Space Station, San Diego Zoo, or the Hawaii Humpback Whale Sanctuary.

2. Plan That Amazing First Date

Someday, the two of you will be ready to meet and have an amazing day together. That’s something to look forward to, so why not make it truly memorable? Start making plans right now. Think of this as your opportunity to plan your fantasy date. For example, you can:

  • Look at local events that are coming up in your cities in the next few months

  • Find a cuisine you both love and pore over restaurant websites

  • Learn which movies are releasing in your area

  • Challenge one another to find a truly unique activity like climbing a mountain or going on a champagne balloon ride

This is a fun way to learn about each other’s passions and interests. You’ll also have some plans to look forward to.

3. Tour Your Respective Cities

If you are both comfortable sharing some basic location information, you can use Google Maps or another app to show one another around your cities. Think of it like a virtual, walking tour.

Not quite ready to share that private information? No problem! Just pick any city that interests both of you. You can even select a place at random. Then, explore all of the interesting sites, check out photos others have shared, and enjoy being digital tourists.

4. Play an Online Game

There are so many options here! Of course, you can play any number of competitive or collaborative online games. Find your favorite on your game console or PC, and go head-to-head or tackle a game as teammates. Of course, there are also hundreds of phone and social media games to explore.

But, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can play online trivia games together, or join a tournament to see how far you can go. Build up your vocabulary with word games. Start a Dungeons And Dragons quest with some friends! Do you prefer the classics? There are plenty of online board game engines and simulators if tabletop is your thing. Draw Something is an online game that’s similar to Pictionary. GeoGuessr is a game that combines virtual tourism with trivia questions.

5. Create a Dream or Pinterest Board Together

Do you have shared interests in art, fashion, food, or travel? What about architecture? Combine your shared interests and get a bit creative. Do a deep dive on a subject that interests both of you or reflects your dreams for the future. Then use what you find to create a shared Pin Board or dream board. This could be something that the two of you continue to add to over time. It can also reflect things you want to do, learn, and experience together.

6. Watch a Movie Together

You don’t need to meet in person to have a movie date. Most streaming platforms offer some tech that allows you to arrange a watch party with one or more friends. If that doesn’t work for some reason, you can get the same movie, tune in at the same time, and hang out on Facetime. Don’t forget popcorn and snacks!

7. Buy One Another Gifts Online

Gift-giving can be a sweet part of any relationship, even those that only exist online (for now). If both of you are comfortable exchanging gifts, this can be a fun activity. Even better, neither of you has to spend exorbitant money to do this.

In fact, this is much more fun when you set some time and money constraints. For example, you could give each other the challenge of scouring the internet and coming up with a fun, creative gift for less than 10 dollars in less than 10 minutes. You’ll have fun comparing gifts, and you can arrange an unboxing date when your packages arrive.

8. Take an Online Class

If you are dating a beautiful mature woman, you may worry that she is difficult to please. She can  probably buy herself anything she wants or needs. So, you’ll want to get creative. Keep in mind that she’s probably intelligent, curious, and eager to expand her horizons. In that case, consider taking an online class together!

You can sign up for a class on nearly any topic. Try a virtual learning platform like EdX or Coursera. Look up virtual classes on your local library website or community college page. Then, pick what you both will love whether it’s Art History, Auto Mechanics, Wine Tasting, or Thai cooking.

9. Solve a Crossword Puzzle Together

The New York Times and other publications make their famous crossword puzzles available to solve online. This creates a great date opportunity for avowed word nerds and vocabulary fanatics.The NYT even has partner mode so you can work on their puzzle together.

10. Try a Virtual Escape Room

Escape rooms have emerged as an extraordinarily popular option for a date. If you have a chance to visit one for an in-person experience, you should! Meanwhile, you can enjoy a virtual escape room experience. The two of you will pair up to solve puzzles, answer questions, and eventually solve the mystery to make your escape.

Enjoy Dating at Your Pace

There’s nothing wrong with taking things slowly. That’s how great relationships start. Use these ideas to keep things interesting and enjoy your amazing, online, romance.