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Makers of Beyond Humanity: Colonies Board Game Introduce EXOGEN Beta

Beyond Humanity: Colonies is one of the most exciting games I’ve seen launched on Kickstarter in the last few years. The campaign raised over $300,000 and it integrates technology with traditional tabletop gameplay in a way I haven’t seen before.

And now, Exogen, the online feature and meta-game for the upcoming Beyond Humanity: Colonies, has launched its open beta. While it accompanies the board game, Exogen also functions as its own game.

Players are explorers in the galaxy, and you will have to manage your resources as you strive to bring success to your corporation and colonies. Send out probes, launch scouting parties, and collect information on the galaxy.

And though Exogen exists in the Beyond Humanity universe, a lot of the planets and stars are inspired by recorded data from NASA and TESS. So there’s a familiarity and realness to the exploration that you’re doing.

The game is still in beta, so there will be changes, patches, and bug fixes as the team responds to feedback. But for now, enjoy the short video above that explains how to get started playing as quickly as possible.

For more on Exogen and Beyond Humanity: Colonies from Three Headed Monster, stay tuned to GameTyrant!