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Meet The Ashmann Inn Residents In REMOTHERED: BROKEN PORCELAIN's Latest Trailer

Showing off some of the unforgettable faces that you will encounter during your time at the Ashmann Inn is a great way to maintain excitement for an upcoming game. So, that’s exactly what Stormind Games and Modus Games have recently released to give you a glimpse at the horrors awaiting you in the second game to Darril Arts survival series, Remothered. If the latest trailer isn’t enough for you, don’t forget to check out the gameplay trailers from both this past holiday season and with the original release date before they announced the delayed date of October 20th.

At least we know that when Remothered: Broken Porcelain does end up launching around Halloween that it will be available on all the same platforms that Remothered: Tormented Fathers is on. The horror will continue on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Plus, in the sequel, we will have an ally in the hotel's newly arrived maid Jennifer, which is more than we got in the original! Are you ready for your stay at this equally mysterious and secluded getaway?