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Meet The Rats In The Final A PLAGUE TALE: INNOCENCE Web Series Video

After learning more about what is going on within A Plague Tale: Innocence from Asobo Studios initial two web series videos, we are getting to know about one of the main antagonists of their game: the rats. This is said to be the last video of their web series, but the launch day is only a few months away. Come May 14, 2019, players will be able to experience this dark and scary adventure themselves on the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For now, check out the details surrounding the disease carriers of the 14th century.

It’s crazy that there are so many aggressive adults within the world that seem to want to take down a teenager and the child she is trying to protect. At least we can see from their experience that light is what helps keep the rats at bay and bringing ways to light a fire is likely the best way to stay alive.

This dark world is bound to have a crazy, difficult journey in it and all we can do for now is hope that there will be a happier ending than there is a beginning. What do you think of A Plague Tale now that you have watched their third web series?