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MIDNIGHT GHOST HUNT First Impression: Let’s Scooby-Doo This $H*7!

PC Steam Early Access Code Provided by Vaulted Sky Games

Paranormal multiplayer games will never be the same again thanks to Vaulted Sky Games’  latest title, Midnight Ghost Hunt. With a premise influenced by popular horror tropes and a tongue-in-cheek theme, Midnight Ghost Hunt achieves exactly what it aims for. This asymmetrical 4v4 multiplayer is currently available for Steam Early Access and it shows frighteningly entertaining potential.


Midnight Ghost Hunt throws players into the role of either a Ghost or a Ghost Hunter. Ghost Hunters must locate and terminate all Ghosts that are haunting the location before the stroke of midnight. Search, communicate, locate, and destroy. All while surviving the mishaps the Ghosts may throw your way.

Ghosts, on the other hand, have to hide from the Ghost Hunters by possessing different objects scattered around the level. Lamps, sofas, gargoyle statues, and knights in shining armor are just a few objects that can be possessed and controlled by the Ghost team. This hide-and-seek gameplay can get very intense when hunters are closing in on your location. However, the tables are turned once the clock strikes midnight! As long as a single Ghost still remains in the level, all of the Ghost team will be brought back into the game with increased strength and power. The Ghost team has now set their spectral skills to kill and must destroy the hunters before the timer runs out.

This role reversal brings a nice twist to the typical hide-and-seek gameplay and creates some very entertaining situations. A typical match of Midnight Ghost Hunt consists of heavy team call-outs and humorous ghost taunting. The Ghosts can use proximity chat to taunt the Hunters and can stir up some pretty hilarious situations. I loved the campy feel that the game brings, whether you are a Ghost or Ghost Hunter.

Each team has its own skills and attacks that can be swapped at any time during the match at any bench or shrine. Ghost Hunters have an assortment of tools that can help them either locate or destroy the Ghosts. Weapons are very sci-fi and fitting to the paranormal trope. The ability to change loadout mid-level is a very unique and welcome addition. Your entire team died and you only have one more Ghost to hunt? You can swap out your sound detection device for a radar and try to get a more pinpoint reading of the Ghost’s location.

The Ghost team also has its fair share of skills that can be swapped willingly at any shrine. Skills are executable in different ways such as temporary invisibility that allows you to escape a heated exchange with the Hunters. Flight and telekinesis are also popular choices for the Ghost team and help expand the tool belt for players. There are enough skills and perks to unlock and test to see which ones fit best with your playstyle. Whether you want to be an aggressive poltergeist or a stealthy spirit, Midnight Ghost Hunt has a lot to experiment with.

The matches are intense filled prop hunts, with spectral encounters. It is definitely unique and gives that sense of a fresh experience. Matches are quick and also fast to find. You can add this title to the list of reasons why asymmetrical multiplayer games are wicked fun.


During my time with the early access version of Midnight Ghost Hunt, I had a great time with the asymmetrical multiplayer and was charmed by the retro sci-fi themes. The game does not take itself seriously, which works in its favor for a very fun party game as opposed to a competitive vibe. The community for this game is very relaxed and clearly here for the fun and the frights, as opposed to W’s and stats. This is very refreshing and in return makes the game more fun and user-friendly. This was most welcome and made me enjoy the game more. 

That being said, the game is fun but also gets a bit repetitive after a few matches. The different skills and weapons help spice up the interactions in-game but they dont completely change the way the matches are played. The maps do a great job of mixing up the gameplay with different layouts and objects that can be possessed. One map is based on an old haunted pirate ship and the Ghosts can possess the cannons to fire them at unsuspecting Hunters. These types of features help spice up the matches but I still found myself wanting more game modes to save the game from being too repetitive.

Thankfully, the lovely developers at Vaulted Sky Games have announced in their early access outline that more game modes will come in future updates, along with more skills, weapons, and maps. This is great news and I look forward to seeing what they come up with besides the hide-and-seek base mode!


Are looking for a fun party game and need something fresh in your Steam library? Maybe you are a fan of asymmetrical multiplayer games and looking for another to add to your collection? Midnight Ghost Hunt deserves your attention and it offers enough in its early access period to give you some thrills and chills with your friends. We cant wait to see what future updates will bring. Let’s Scooby-Doo this shit!

Midnight Ghost Hunt is available now for Steam Early Access.