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Mobile Game MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT Opens Pre-Registration

Regardless of which type of smartphone you have, if you enjoy the My Hero Academia anime then Bandai Namco has the next game for you. They have officially opened pre-registration for their mobile game My Hero Ultra Impact. Android users can sign up here while iOS users can sign up here.

After originally releasing in the East back in May 2021 and surpassing 3 million downloads, the West version coming soon will be directly translated in English from the original version of the game. Plus, it will be fully up to date with the Japanese version of the game, including characters, features, and events. This means that players will gain access to a broad variety of content immediately. Of course, there will still be some differences between the Japanese and English versions of the game.

While the game is planned to be free-to-play, pre-registering for the title will reward players with Hero Gems. The amount of Hero Gems each player receives will rise according to the number of preregistered users, up to a maximum of 500. If you are planning to play this game when it releases this year, then there is only gems to gain by signing up for the game now!