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More Areas And Multiplayer Revealed For LUIGI'S MANSION 3

During the Nintendo Direct announcement stream, we were given a segment on the upcoming and soon-to-release game Luigi’s Mansion 3. This trailer revealed a bunch of new areas that we will get to explore and showed off some of the different multiplayer modes that will be available.

As for what was revealed, the floors they showed off for the Haunted Hotel included:

  • Mezzanine - the dining area

  • Castle MacFrights - hallways that look medieval

  • Garden Suites - rooms that look like an outdoor garden on the inside

  • Tomb Suites - an area that is designed around an Egyptian pyramid

  • The Dance Hall - a literal dancing area, complete with choreographed ghosts

  • The Spectral Catch - a pirate themed area

The main area that was touched on in the trailer was the Tomb Suites. Rather than just being a small themed section of the game, it seems they are going all out with this one. In that area you can trigger booby traps, run into mummies, clean up and dig through the sand, and explore an actual area set up with the theme.

Multiplayer mode has been announced as Screampark. This will allow 2-8 players to battle it out in a few different objective based games. See who can collect the most ghosts, who can collect the most coins by piloting floaties in a pool, or find out who can break the most targets. These three mini-games are like Luigi Mansion themed Mario Party mini-games, and that sounds like a lot of fun!

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is still set to release on Halloween, so we are likely to get some more pieces of news regarding this game before then as well. Until then, check out the latest trailer to see all the new areas and game modes in action!