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MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Has The Best Dev Team EVER, Plus OMNI-MAN Early Access

Tyler Lansdown, Derek Kirtzic, and Stephanie Brownback hosted a live session on YouTube known as the Kombat Kast. During the broadcast, they provided valuable insights into the quality of life improvements coming in Season 2, the new content in Invasions mode, and the addition of characters like Omni-Man and Tremor. The stream was packed with information and served as an excellent preview of the upcoming characters. What particularly caught my attention while watching was NetherRealm Studios' impressive commitment to Mortal Kombat 1. The quality of life enhancements alone underscored their dedication to the game and its passionate fanbase.

They kicked off by announcing a great improvement for Kombat League, where they're introducing a best 2 out of 3 match format, reducing the time spent waiting and increasing the time spent fighting. Then, they delved into numerous quality of life changes set for the upcoming Invasions Mode season. NetherRealm Studios, I must say, you are truly exceptional. Every single change or adjustment they discussed was something I've either seen someone mention or thought of myself. They left no stone unturned, and I'm excited to provide a quick rundown of some of the features they'll be adding or modifying:

  • They are taking super armor off of all opponents that are not boss fights.

    • Elemental armor on bosses and from talisman will be based on a certain number of hits

  • Critical Hits now are more impactful

    • Deal 3 times damage

    • Add a more noticable debuff

  • They toned down Storms and Auras that might hinder you in a match

  • No more inventory management

    • The talisman will only come out of chests and will all be legendary and powerful

  • Lowered the chance of Ambushes

  • Made the requirements for Secret Fights harder to obtain

  • Added more variety to the enemies in each Mesa

In addition to some much-needed changes, they gave us the first detailed glimpse of Omni-Man, now available for those with the Kombat Pack. They treated us to some top-notch gameplay and offered insights into how this character operates. Omni-Man brings a unique blend of speed and raw power, a departure from the usual dichotomy we see in characters. They highlighted his four main special abilities, showcasing his impressive speed with moves that swiftly traverse the screen. What truly wowed me, though, was his Viltrumite stance, where he hovers in the air, skillfully evading projectiles, and if it's EX expanded, even normal attacks. In this stance, he can zip across the screen or surprise you with a tracking overhead attack by landing on your head. I'm both terrified and excited about the potential of what Omni-Man can do.

But wait, the livestream didn't stop there – it wouldn't be complete without giving us a sneak peek into Tremor's capabilities. Tremor proves to be one of the most intricate Kameo fighters to date. What sets him apart is the fact that he boasts three variations you can seamlessly switch between mid-match, essentially giving you the power of three Kameo fighters in one. Each of his variations brings a unique move set with entirely different styles. Take your pick from Aftershock, the rock formation, Metallic, the metal formation, or Crystalline, the crystal formation. Aftershock is all about heavy-hitting offense, with moves designed for impactful combos. Metallic offers a more balanced approach, featuring moves suitable for punishing opponents or dealing long-range damage. And then there's Crystalline, the one you've been eagerly anticipating – a true support role. In Crystalline, Tremor can provide you with his renowned crystal armor from MKX, making him a top contender. Plus, he boasts a deflection move capable of reflecting projectiles. The versatility is simply mind-blowing!