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My Arcade Opens Pre-Orders on New BUBBLE BOBBLE And ROLLING THUNDER Units

My Arcade has been on a roll with their releases lately and aren’t showing any signs of slowing down! A new Dig Dug Pocket Player has just released for $34.99 and carries 3 games within its GBAesque shell including Dig Dug, Dig Dug II and The Tower of Dragua. Starting today pre-orders have also opened on a Bubble Bobble Pocket Player and a Rolling Thunder Mini Player. The Bubble Bobble Pocket Player will also include 3 titles Bubble Bobble, Bubble Bobble Part 2 and Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2. Both pre-orders are expected to begin shipping on August 5 and will cost $34.99.

With the number of classic games becoming available through these new portables there really is something for everyone. Having not tried out any recent units for myself it is hard to speak on the quality of the emulation and units. Reviews I have seen have been mostly favorable and for $34.99 the risk isn’t to high just to try out. Between Bubble Bobble and Contra, there are definitely some I hope to try out for myself!