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New BATTLEBORN Trailer Shows Off PVP Gameplay

While the internet is abuzz with the new Overwatch beta, Gearbox Software has launched a new trailer showing off the PVP aspects of Battleborn — their entry into the FPS/MOBA hybrid game. While I've had little time with Overwatch myself, I've had quite a bit of hands on with Battleborn from E3 2015 and San Diego Comic Con, and I must say this genre of game could possibly become one of my new favorites! While the PVP aspects haven't been readily available to the public yet, it looks like it will be a great contender for the eSports market. It combines a lot of the strategies used in classic MOBAs, like League of Legneds or DOTA2, with the twitch reactions of a fast-paced FPS game. Give the trailer a watch and let me know what you think of this budding new genre.

Battleborn releases February 9th on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.