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New Content Sails Onto DREDGE In A Free Update

Developers Black Salt Games and publisher Team17 delivered a great game and now they’re looking to add more content to it! With update number two they’re adding new modes and more to Dredge. Introducing additional deep-sea aberrations, new wildlife events, a new monster, and two new game modes to add even more long-lasting gameplay.

Photo mode has been one of the things most requested by fans since the game’s release on March 30th, so the team decided to add it finally! But much like everything else in this game, it can’t be as easy as just giving you a camera. Before getting to document your findings through a camera lens, you’ll first have to fish for a piece of equipment and exchange it with a new islander, a photographer. Then you will be able to capture the beauty of wildlife events, like a school of dolphins or an eldritch horror lurking below.

On the other end, players wanting a more cozy experience or just wanting to explore and visualize more of the game. They will be adding a Passive Mode so you can experience the game without the big nasties and really lean into the more chill side of the fishing in the game.

The update will also feature ten new aberrations ready to be caught. As for the wildlife events that will be added, along with dolphins swimming in packs next to the boats you might be lucky enough to see a whale shark while exploring the ocean. But for all you thrill seekers out there, a new monster from the deep has also been added, sure to ‘terror-ray-se’ even the bravest of fishermen.

The new update for Dredge is available now for PC via Steam and consoles Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.