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New DEATH STRANDING Trailer Shows Off Enemies And Provides More Questions

Once it was time for Hideo Kojima to take the stage at The Game Awards 2017, you already knew that something amazing was about to play on the screen. Providing a brand new trailer for his widely known, yet mysteriously unknown, title Death Stranding. I have to say, I am now even more excited to see how the stealth aspect of the gameplay is going to be now that we know of how some of the enemies can be.

While I have no ideas as to how the environment changed like that, nor the whole thing with the baby inside of him and not in the tube machine, this was quite the intriguing trailer. Maintaining the mysteriousness of what exactly is going on, we were still informed of who the enemies are, shown what they can do, and now know that "once there was an explosion."

While this answers a few questions, and obviously shows that there will be a tactical stealth element to the gameplay that are likely to have a Metal Gear Solid style feel to them, there are still so many questions. What exactly are those things? Whats going on with the environment? Is this really on Earth? Can the enemy manipulate gravity? I can keep going with plenty more questions.

What are your thoughts on this trailer? Are you thankful to have some answers or just left curious now that there is a whole new flood of questions coming to your disposal?