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New Game Teased by STANLEY PARABLE Developer

A few weeks ago we got a taste of Stanley Parable developer, Davey Wredan's latest project, The Beginner's Guide. The project was an interesting introspective into the mind of an indie game developer. (It's a lot more entertaining than it sounds, and one of the most engaging games I've played this year.) Well, Wredan's partner in crime, William Pugh formed his own team known as Crows Crows Crows to bring us a first look at his upcoming (currently unnamed) mystery game.

They've released a handful of screenshots and a very cryptic in-browser teaser for the game. It promises to offer complicated puzzles and an unsettling atmosphere. I recommend taking a wack at the teaser, as it is quite the head scratcher. (I didn't get particularly far, as I'm somewhat awful at puzzles.) I've enjoyed everything I've played from the duo of developers thus far, so I'm excited to see what Pugh does on his own project. We'll be sure to keep you up to date as new details surface.

Source: PC Gamer