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New Tomb Raider Trailer Shows Off Everything Fans of The Game Have Wanted

The new Tomb Raider trailer finally dropped and it has everything that die hard fans of the newer versions of the game were wanting. Complete with the same style costume design as the 2013 Tomb Raider game as well as the thing that made it great.... Lara getting beat up and broken down while trying to follow her dad's life's work, and stopping the evil organization of Trinity. 

In the trailer you'll notice that Lara also uses her signature bow and arrow as well as which is a welcome surprise. It seems as though they are taking a lot of the game into account while creating the movie.  The one thing that I am still unsure of is if this will be an origin story of sorts, as the beginning of the trailer shows Lara training, and biking through out the streets of London (possibly). 

One thing is for sure though despite the history of video game based movies, and how horrible they've been. I am excited to see this movie, and I hope it lives up to the hype.