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New Trailer For THOSE WHO REMAIN Shares Story Elements

There is a horror game set to launch sometime this year and no matter what platform you have, this is one that all horror fans will be looking forward to. Those Who Remain by Camel 101 puts you in a strange environment with even stranger puzzles to solve while facing monsters of all shapes and sizes. If you haven’t heard about this game yet, then just take a look at their latest trailer:

There is still no launch date set for Those Who Remain, but you can see on the Steam page that it is set to launch within 2019. Hopefully we won’t have to wait very long for this to come. The good news is that it is set to launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, as well as the PC. This will allow any and all horror fans with a current generation platform the ability to enjoy this upcoming horror game.

I am looking forward to learning more about the story and what exactly is going on. It is always naturally scary when the environment you are in is already full of unfamiliarity. Lots of games have used this as a way to put a nervous feeling in the player without adding much to the game itself, but I am hoping to be facing danger more than a strange environment. Which is where there is even more good news as the original gameplay video they shared shows multiple encounters and paranormal phenomena throughout various sections of the game!

Those Who Remain certainly seems like a very interesting title and I am looking forward to trying this game out myself. Are you looking forward to seeing this horror game launch later this year? If so, which platform do you plan on getting it on?