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NEW WORLD Fresh Start Feels Like A Whole New Game

A Whole New World

Horrible Aladdin puns aside, with the Return to Aeternum even and fresh start realms, New World truly does feel.. like a whole new world. While we already loved the game at launch, a lot of that magic quickly faded a few months in as interest faded and many other titles just plainly stole New World’s thunder. A year later, here we are with a ton of new content, a wonderful fresh start event, and a lot of fixes, tweaks, and patches to make this one of the better non-sub MMO experiences out there.

Whether you are new to the game or a hardened veteran, starting fresh is such an exhilarating experience as you ding new levels gathering, crafting, questing, and smacking down baddies across this massive, gorgeous, and detailed world. Everything that was old feels new again and to be honest, this is the game that should have launched a year ago. I am absolutely loving it!