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Nine New DOOM Screenshots Will Take You to Hell and Back

No doubt, id Software teaming up with Bethesda vastly improved the shooting mechanics in Fallout 4. Bringing in the guys that basically invented the first person shooter genre will do that. Well, now we're getting a new entry in the franchise that really sparked it all! DOOM is looking more and more bad ass with each new bit we see. Sure, you could argue that Castle Wolfenstein really started the FPS game, but DOOM is what made it huge! id Software released nine new screenshots today that really show off the graphical potential of their new id Tech 6 Engine. The game looks glossy, but not overly so. It is more along the lines of what you pictured all these big baddy spawns from Hell looking like when you were a kid, just now they actually look that way. I can't wait to get my hands on DOOM and battle the forces of Hell on Mars once again!

DOOM is currently slated for an April 2016 release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.