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Nintendo Releases a "New" Trailer For The Switch Lite

There is no denying the success the Switch has had so far in its life-cycle and Nintendo is really hoping to keep that momentum rolling with this months release of the Switch Lite! To “Welcome the Switch Lite To The Family” Nintendo has released a new trailer for the system! But, wait a minute, this is the exact same trailer used when they announced the Switch Lite! Um alrighty then, I guess that bit at the end is new that shows the old model Switch and the Switch Lite together. Anyways, the Switch Lite looks set to get many players to double-dip on a more portable version of the system. The Switch Lite is smaller than the Switch models available today but lacks features like HD Rumble and the IR sensor. The Switch Lite is also not able to be docked for TV play. Three colors will be available for the system when it launches on September 20th including black, yellow, and turquoise.

Are you planning to pick up a Switch Lite?