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Nintendo Teasing "Big E3" For This Year

Reggie Fils-Aime is already building hype for this year's E3. The Nintendo Of America President says the company has a "big" E3 planned and said the following in regards to the event:

"I'm not gonna tell you all of the various games and all of our little secrets for E3, but I can tell you that E3 is going to be a major opportunity for us to showcase not only Nintendo Switch, but also content coming to Nintendo 3DS,"

As a Nintendo fan who has sat through many false promises of hype E3 specials, I can't say I believe him yet, but I am excited. If nothing else, we can bet Nintendo has more Super Mario Odyssey on deck and we already know Beyond Good And Evil 2 is probably going to be announced. As for Nintendo Switch predictions I don't have many but I can tell you I would love to hear a Donkey Kong Country or Metroid game is in the works! I'm also hoping we at least get a virtual console update by then as well...although I would imagine it will happen sooner than that. 

As for 3DS...c'mon Reggie, you know we don't give a damn about that. Hit us with the Switch games.

Source: GameSpot