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Obsidian Entertainment Developers Work On Fan Remake Of DARK FORCES

Star Wars fan and Senior Environment Artist Jason Lewis has begun work on remaking the Lucasarts classic FPS Dark Forces using the Unreal 4 Engine and has produced some staggeringly detailed models and environments. Jason, along with some of his co-workers, consider this a personal project and are working on it in their spare time.  Jason states on his Artstation page :

"This is a just-for-fun personal project that myself and several co-workers all contributed to for no reason other than we are all a bunch of super Star Wars fans and with all the Star Wars awesomeness going on these days, we all thought it would be a good time to jump in and produce a quality fan art project. In addition to just being a bunch of super Star Wars nerds, several of us have been wanting an excuse to learn Unreal 4 for some time now, so we figured that this was a perfect opportunity."

Lewis and his team have completed four major 'Phases' in development.  This is particularly impressive if you examine the detail in each of the released screenshots.  Lewis has also released a statement that the level he is working on is almost completely playable. He has a few bugs to work on with environmental effects such as doors, but hopefully work on these issues will be completed soon.