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Operation Shifting Tides Drastically Changes RAINBOW SIX SIEGE

Operation Shifting Tides is expected to release in the first week of December so less than a month remains before the new operators shake things up. The new attacker and defender hail from the NIGHTHAVEN Special Intervention Group. Kali owns the organization, and she joins Six as the new attacker. Wamai, one of her agents, arrives as the new defender. Kali and Wamai are here to disrupt the meta of tactical team shooter Rainbow Six Siege.

Kali will introduce the first bolt-action rifle in Siege. The CSRX 300 has devastating power. Headshots are instant kills, but that’s no different from the other guns in the armory. Hit the target anywhere else, though, and Kali’s sniper rifle downs opponents with one shot. With a variable 5x and 12x zoom on the rifle scope, that makes Kali extremely dangerous. Not to mention that she can destroy barricaded windows and unreinforced hatches in a single shot. As well as create substantial holes through soft walls.

And that tactical threat doesn’t even take into consideration her unique ability. The under-barrel attachment for the CSRX 300 is the LV Explosive Lance. It can break barricades, hatches, and Castle’s Armor Panels. And even dig into reinforced walls. But the tactical advantage stems from the explosive radius that destroy’s enemy gadgets. Invulnerable to Mute’s Signal Disruptors, Bandit’s Shock Wires, or Kaid’s Electroclaws, the LV Explosive Lance can help neutralize much of the enemy’s defensive perimeter.

She may not be a hard breacher, but she will be an invaluable asset to any team composition.

And Wamai will now assist Jäger in rebuffing projectile attacks from the attackers. Like Lesion, the new defender will be able to gradually refill his unique ability, with a maximum inventory of five Mag-NET System devices at one time. These gadgets are vulnerable, as a single shot can destroy them, but they will sow chaos into an attacking push if used properly.

The Mag-NET System sticks to any surface. The adhesive gadget will pull an opponent’s projectile to its position, reset the timer on the projectile, and then self-destruct to detonate that projectile. In the objective room, that can save defenders from being blinded, downed, or otherwise taken out of the fight. If placed with stealth and cunning, though, it could be placed in other rooms to disorient and injure the attacking team, buying valuable time and tactical advantage for the defenders.

With the AUG A2 and MP5K, Wamai can surge into spaces while the attackers are recovering from their dismantled entry.

And with a reworked Theme Park map, there will be so many possibilities to explore for these two new operators.

Other changes will also alter the balance of the game and the gameplay in Rainbow Six Siege. Limb penetration has been modified. Smoke’s Remote Gas has been tweaked. And exiting a rappel requires the same control as entering.

A price decrease for seven more operators will also encourage players to experiment with their playstyle. Hibana and Echo will now cost 10,000 Renown. Dokkaebi, Vigil, and Zofia will now cost 15,000 Renown. Finally, Nomad and Kaid’s prices will now cost 20,000 Renown.

So much is happening, and we love the dedication that Ubisoft has shown to the continued development of Rainbow Six Siege. It’s one of the strongest multiplayer experiences out right now, and it keeps getting better.

What are you most excited for in Operation Shifting Tides?