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OVERWATCH Bug Causing PS4 Players To Lose Items And Progress

PS4 players should be warned of a bug that's causing players to lose levels, skins, and other items in Overwatch. IGN says Blizzard is aware of the issue, and reportedly fixed the glitch last week as well as asked affected players to provide their Gamertags to them so they could reverse the glitch. Many players are reporting that still has yet to happen. 

Luckily, Blizzard is aware of this as well and is working with Sony to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, there is no estimate for when this issue will have a solution and be resolved.

As much as it sucks to have your game unplayable for a short while, you gotta give Blizzard credit for releasing the least buggy game of the year. You could be someone who still plays The Division and have a fresh bug every week to worry about, or your whole account deleted. As smooth as things have been for Overwatch thus far, I'm willing to let Blizzard slide on this one.

Then again I don't have the game on PS4 so what do I care?