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Preview of Dynamic Ship Destruction in STAR CITIZEN

Cloud Imperium Games aims to completely change the way space games work with their crazy ambitious game, Star Citizen. I, for one, hope they can deliver all the things they've promised. Seeing things like this with at least two more years of development ahead of them is encouraging on that front. The official Star Citizen video blog team over at Around the Verse released a preview of the games dynamic explosions from both the exterior of a large, full crew ship, as well as the inside. Just picturing the multiplayer mayhem of a crew of you and six of your friends running frantically around all this destruction seems so damn cool! It's also been announced that a salvaging feature will be included in the final game, which means if you're on the delivering end rather than the receiving of this carnage, you can pick apart the floating husk and use it for yourself.

If this game makes good on its promises then I may just ditch the hum-drum of life on this planet for one among the digital stars!