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PUBG Extends The Final Sanhok Map Test

In case you had a blast exploring the third map in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, and want to get more familiar with the area before it launches next month, then PUBG Corp. has good news for you. The beta test that occurred this weekend has been extended until Thursday, June 7th. The 4x4 km map puts players in a Southeast Asian island where players can traverse paddy fields and skydive into caves. 

The final beta test was announced by PUBG Corp. this morning and will run until Thursday at 4 AM PT. Players can access the test by logging into the PUBG: Experimental Server in the Steam library, which means that you have to download a separate client to access it. 

So far, the new Sanhok map looks like a fun map to play the game in, where weather pattern changes giving the game a diverse experience. However, given that the map is still in beta testing, several users pointed out lag problems, audio cues that are out of place, and poor performance have also been observed by players who tested out the map. Of course, this is the point of an experimental server, so hopefully, the developer will be able to fix all the bugs once the map is released in the main game. 

Sanhok is expected to arrive in the regular PUBG server by “near end of June.”