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PUBG Introducing Cross-Play Support This October!

In October, players on Xbox One and PS4 will be able to play together in PUBG. The test servers will be hosting this new feature in late September, so hopefully, any bugs will be resolved by the time it goes live. The cross-play support does not include PC players, which will mean you're not pitted against a gamer with a mouse and keyboard (most likely).

This is good news for the PUBG community, as it will consolidate the player base on consoles. This continues the trend of games, especially battle royale titles, receiving cross-play support. The most significant decision was when Epic Games was able to convince Sony to allow cross-play support for Fortnite. While it's not a standard feature by any means, the step is a big one for PUBG, as the game doesn't possess the same number of concurrent players on consoles as Fortnite does.

Hopefully, improvements will continue to enhance the quality of the game. PUBG has not been able to match the frequency of other major battle royales with regards to updates and necessary fixes. But this is a start, and it should help bring the players together. To shoot one another until only one is left, of course.