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Push The Payload With This Awesome OVERWATCH Inspired Metal Album

While heavily distorted guitar covers are fairly commonplace in the gaming community, it's not often gaming inspires something like this! YouTuber 331ERock (who you likely know from his crazy amount of metal covers across all mediums) recently released an album dedicated to Overwatch, that while original, actually kicks ass! Each song is based off the champion it's named after, and from what I've heard so far, seems to fit it's theme very well. Check out his track for Roadhog and continue reading below...note the slow and heavy music fitting of a slow and heavy character

Here's the tracklist for the album:

1. Junkrat
2. Reaper
3. Mercy
4. Soldier 76
5. Reinhardt
6. D. Va
7. Lucio
8. Roadhog
9. Pharah
10. Widowmaker

You can pick up the album for $9.99 right here. I recommend it if you're a fan of the game and the genre.