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RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 Could Be Released On PC!

Rockstar Games has two of the most successful games ever with GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 but PC gamers may have cause to rejoice if the rumors are true. The company has submitted a request for classification on a new game titled “Bonaire” with Australia. The listing doesn’t provide much information, but it does show that the game has been refused classification. Whatever that means is up in the air, but the juicy part comes with a revelation from a Rockstar insider.

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If this proves to be true, then that will be a major coup for gamers. The PC community has been salivating at the chance to play the vaunted series, and it will give the open-world Western a new environment to dominate.

In July of this year, Take-Two Interactive reported that Red Dead Redemption 2 had sold over 24 million copies so far. That number will jump significantly if these rumors are substantiated. Keep your eyes peeled for more information because this would mark the first time that the franchise made its way to PC. We hope that Rockstar is finally making the move.