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RESIDENT EVIL Ambassadors Treated to a Survey and Developer Interviews

The first thing I noticed this morning as I sipped my coffee and open my inbox was the email from the Resident Evil Team to their Ambassadors. I eagerly opened it up and saw that we were given the chance to complete a survey, as well as two videos featuring interviews with the developers of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

The survey consisted of about ten questions,  asking us about how involved we are with sharing the news we receive as Ambassadors, how much involvement we would like to have, our experience of RE7 and whether we have or would buy the HD port of Resident Evil: Revelations. We were then asked to indicate any comments on our involvement as Ambassadors, to which I gave them a healthy paragraph or two.

At first I believed that the videos we were given were Ambassador secrets, but a quick search  reveals that these videos have already been uploaded onto Youtube. The first concerns the developers discussing the Safe Room theme, and the second concerns the Bakers and American Football. I've included both of them below for you, in case you haven't seen it yet.

If you would also like to be part of the Resident Evil Ambassador program, you can sign up on the Ambassador website. Registrations are still open, but I am not sure for how long.