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Retro-Bit Has Teased The Finalized Design For Its Upcoming Sega Dreamcast Controllers!

Over the weekend Retro-Bit sent out an email teasing the release of their upcoming Sega Dreamcast Controllers. Unlike the previous Sega X Retro-Bit collaboration controllers that saw unaltered release of the Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn controllers, it looks like the Dreamcast controller is being modified to improve its usability over the original. A redesigned thumbstick and rocker style d-pad are being employed that will allow for better comfort and use. Triggers are also being moved to maximize comfort. I sense a trend here.

The last change over the original is a complete redesign of the controller’s face buttons to incorporate a 6-button layout over the 4-button original. The 2 new face buttons will mirror the left and right triggers for input which should come as a welcome change to fighting fans! The preview email also teases that both wired and wireless options will be available at the same time so we won’t have to wait a few months after the wired releases to get our hands on the wireless versions! The Sega Dreamcast controllers are expected to arrive later this year so stay tuned to GT for more preview coverage coming your way. Oh, I will also ask about those analog Genesis and Saturn controllers for you all as well!