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Riot Games Announces Everything You Didn't Expect

For the tenth anniversary of League of Legends, Riot Games surprised the gaming community with a host of announcements that teased new projects beyond their massively-popular MOBA. Don’t be mistaken. There are still changes coming to League of Legends, but Riot Games officially has more than one game.

Ten days of gifting will kick off the calendar of events, so simply logging onto League of Legends will grant you access to the virtual bag of goodies. Here’s what you can look forward to:

Day 1: Anniversary Icon, Emote, and Ward Skin
Day 2: 6300 Blue Essence
Day 3: Masterwork Chest + Hextech Key
Day 4: Little Legends Rare Egg
Day 5: 3000 Orange Essence
Day 6: 4 Skin Shards
Day 7: 25 Prestige Points
Day 8: 200 Worlds 2019 Tokens
Day 9: 2 Gemstones
Day 10: Legendary Skin
Day 11: Annie-versary + Birthday Border + Icon

Also, the 146th champion Senna will be coming to Summoner’s Rift next month. Ultra Rapid Fire mode with full champion selection is also coming back, so get ready for some crazy times in the MOBA.

Teamfight Tactics also has some major news. In addition to Set 2—which will bring updates and new origins, classes, and champions—the standalone game will also be going mobile with cross-platform play. That’s a major change for players that have been wanting to experience the game away from their PCs.

You can also look forward to League of Legends: Wild Rift, “a redesigned 5v5 League of Legends MOBA… designed specifically for new platforms.”

Is that it? Nope.

Don’t forget Legends of Runeterra, a strategy card game designed to challenge the dominance of Hearthstone.

Or Project A, a competitive tactical shooter.

It’s a memorable anniversary for League of Legends and Riot Games went above and beyond to say thank you to the gaming community. Check out the video above for a more in-depth look at all of these exciting updates and forthcoming projects.

What are you the most intrigued by from the list of announcements?