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Rooster Teeth Card Game Hits Kickstarter Goal In 2 Minutes

You would think with the various Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity clones the tabletop community would be burnt out on card games by now. Kotaku leads us to believe that time is far off as Rooster Teeth has funded their card game Million Dollars, But... on Kickstarter! The team earned their $10,000 stretch goal in 2 minutes, and currently sits at over $500,000 with still the better part of a month to go!

I know I kind of dumped on it initially calling it a clone of previous games, but MDB seems like a pretty fun game! As opposed to games where a player plays a subject card and everyone plays responses, MDB has the players lay both scenario cards to the "judge" of the round, The judge may then pick the scenario they would absolutely not do! That can be pretty embarrassing when you have to pick getting a rectal exam from the player next to you as opposed to your mother calling you every time she has an orgasm.

I'm still not convinced I need another card game in my life, but this one looks pretty cool! I'll be excited to see how it turns out! If you're looking to fund the game (which starts at $25 for the game) click here.