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Rumor: BANNER SAGA 2, RAINBOW 6 VEGAS 2 And More Coming To Xbox Games With Gold

We still have yet to hear what the games with gold Xbox One owners will be receiving come this July. According to NeoGaf user ekim, they could be really sweet.

First off we have Banner Saga 2, which has yet to release on Xbox One and is coming at the end of July. It wouldn't be the first time an Xbox One game made it's debut as a GWG but Banner Saga 2 has been a game many people are waiting on. It wouldn't make much sense financially for Xbox to just give it to Gold members, but they've done crazier I suppose. Ekim goes on to say he's not 100% certain about it as other clues led to Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate but he feels 99% sure Xbox will announce BS2 will be free.

As for Xbox 360 looks like we are for certain getting Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, which is great news for me because I never got a chance to play it! A lot of gamers complain about the games always being ones they already own, but I'm as proud as a peacock that I stuck with my Wii so long and never got a chance to play these games!

So what do you think? Do you really think Microsoft is going to release Banner Saga 2 for free? NeoGaf has a pretty solid track record these past few months, but that just makes me think we're setting ourselves up to get burned this time around.