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SAINT KOTAR Will Challenge Players To Maintain Faith In A Devil-Worshiping Town

Bringing the psychological horror to the unusual setting grounds of Croatia, Red Martyr Entertainment is ready to see if players can maintain the sanity of two godly men in the midst of a devil-worshiping town. Their title Saint Kotar has recently been successfully funded on Kickstarter, including the reach of three different stretch goals. It definitely seems that they will deliver this game with plenty of content when it comes time to release it on Steam in 2021.

Take on the role of Benedek Dohnany and Nikolay Kalyakin, two men who woke up in a terrifying nightmare in a small rural town of Sveti Kotar, Croatia. As they attempt to search for a missing woman they find themselves fighting within their own minds as these two godly men reach on the brink of insanity.

The good news is, you can try the game out yourself now with their free demo called “The Yellow Mask.” This demo can be found on their Steam page, but if you want to see some of the gameplay before downloading a sample of it yourself, check out the video below.