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See Behind The Scenes Of STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDER In This Awesome Video!

One of the games to be a surprising hit was Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order by Respawn Entertainment. This may be due to the negative sting that the latest Star Wars games have left on us, but we can all admit that this game was like a breath of fresh air to the Star Wars gaming world.

Since this game has left many, including myself, wanting to know so much more about it, I got excited to see that Boundary Break host Shesez covered this game already! Giving us some amazing pan outs, zoom in’s, and close-ups that would otherwise be impossible, he has covered a lot of bases and answered a lot of questions regarding the development of the game itself.

His YouTube series is one to definitely keep up with as they cover a ton of awesome games and it is literally impossible for them not to have already covered a handful of games you are interested in. But if there is one video that is worth starting with, I definitely suggest this one.