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See How The GOD OF WAR Music Was Made In This Video Featuring Eivør

While Red Dead Redemption 2 was the winner for Best Score/Music at The Game Awards 2018, that doesn’t mean that the nominees weren’t worthy of the award as well. Among them was the Game of the Year award winner of 2018, God of War. With everything within the game helping it earn the overwhelming 10 out of 10 reviews it received, the music was certainly one of the focus for many players and reviewers.

Seeing how the music that made the moments of a story really shine is something that has always shown how music itself is as much an art form as any other aspect in movie and game development. Playstation has released a special feature video that shows how the singer of the songs that represent Faye brought out the emotional side of those key scenes.

It is truly amazing how these artists are able to use their talents together and create such memorable moments. The explanation of how she was able to create the music that added the emotions were emotional on their own. Games like these are both inspirational and jaw dropping, creating memories and entertainment that keeps us playing for hours.

What other part of the games development would you like to see behind the scenes?