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Six Development Decisions That Led To Massive Success For RAINBOW SIX SIEGE

As development diaries and other sources of behind-the-scenes content emerge, the gaming community progressively learns more and more about the process involved in building and maintaining video games.

Rainbow Six Siege is a complex tactical shooter that continues to evolve over the years as new content releases. New maps, new operators, and frequent modifications—or tweaks—to the gameplay all contribute to a game that grows stronger.

But there are decisions throughout the course of the game’s history that have endured to create a truly special multiplayer experience.

And some of the development team at Ubisoft has sat down to share the details of how Rainbow Six Siege came to be. From environmental destruction to the unique operators, from multiplayer-only gameplay to no respawns, from the esports scene to the pivotal Operation Health, the developers discuss what made the game into the elegant and addictive experience it is today.

If you’re a fan of Rainbow Six Siege, it’s an enjoyable ride through some of the game’s best features. And if you’re unfamiliar with the tactical multiplayer game, it’s still an informative look at the development process of one of the most successful games out today.