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SKATER XL Leaves Early Access And Hits All Major Platforms In July 2020

It’s been more than ten years since the last skateboarding game launched on all major platforms at the same time, but Easy Day Studios is breaking this record by launching their beloved title Skater XL on Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch this July! Currently available on Steam Early Access, this unique skateboarding title changes up the gameplay by switching the simple trick animations out and instead gives the player direct control of the feet and board at all times.

This game is also going to feature some of today’s skateboarding legends, including Tom Asta, Tiago Lemos, Evan Smith, and Brandon Westgate. Of course, the player could always create their own character if they prefer. Regardless of your character, the unique mechanics allow a more sandbox-style creativity for players to take advantage of to perform and create tricks with. Get ready to create, combine, and style tricks as you hit legendary California skating locations!