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Solve Mesmerizing Puzzles In VR With FORM

FORM releases on April 7th for PSVR. This puzzle game will weave dreams and memories into intricate obstacles for the player to overcome, and this is a world that is dynamic, changing and warping around the player as you experience the strange mystery at the center of the story.

Here’s the story from developer Charm Games:

Dr. Devin Eli is a brilliant physicist at the global technology mega-conglomerate Mindful Laboratories. Working in seclusion at an atmospheric research facility in the Alaskan wilderness, Dr. Eli is on the brink of uncovering the meaning behind a mysterious signal coming from a secret artifact - The Obelisk.

The developer intended FORM as a virtual reality game from the beginning, so players will be able to utilize the PS Move controllers while solving puzzles, and the environment reacts to your decisions as a player.

VR games are getting better and better (looking at you, Half-Life: Alyx) and Charm Games has created an engrossing experience for those that have never played in VR and for those that are well-versed in the immersive gaming world.

This is one to enjoy with family and friends.

What are your favorite VR games right now?