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SONG OF HORROR Will Study Your Actions And Attack With Permadeath

Taking a page out of the idea handbook for game launching, Raiser Games is releasing the game Song of Horror by Protocol Games in an episodic format. However, this isn’t going to be one big story leaving players on the cliffhangers while they await for the next episode to launch, but rather offer a unique scary experience of their own in a whole new location. Or will it? Overall the episodes will take place with thirteen different characters, all of which can be lost to the permanent death system, which is summarized by the developers as “you may die, but the horror continues.”

The paranormal curse that follows each character will be what drives them to these different locations as they attempt to solve the horrors that chase them. In order to do this, players will have to solve puzzles, investigate mysteries, and come face to face with The Presence that follows them. Get a glimpse of the horror with their announcement trailer:

Release dates for the episodes aren’t incredibly far apart as well. The first and second episode will both launch simultaneously on Halloween, followed shortly by the third episode sometime in December. The fourth and fifth episode will be in 2020, planned to be around January and then March. Altogether, we are looking at roughly twenty hours of gameplay across the prologue, epilogue, and thirteen characters.

You can get all of the episodes in one purchase through the Nightmare Season Pass or grab the episodes individually as they release on Steam. The full road map below shows us all the different titles of the episodes. Starting off with Husher Mansion and haunted building with a horrifying antique shop for Eerily Quiet this Halloween. What do you think of this new episodic horror games release format?