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Sony Swiftly Removes PS4 ANTHEM Video Trailer Due to Photoshopped Xbox Imagery

D'oh! What a disaster this must be for Sony PR. They recently released their own version of the PS4 Anthem Trailer, since none was available to them for E3 2017. If you thought you could still watch it online, this is what you will find in its place, but the image that caused its removal was saved online for us to still see it.

And that's what Xbox marketing manager Aaron Greenberg had to say about it on the matter. So what's caused all this commotion? Well according to Forbes, who managed to catch it before it was so removed with what dignity Sony had left, the video trailer still had Xbox button prompts on it, just overlayed by the PlayStation buttons. So obviously, it had simply been badly photoshopped. Whether it was edited by EA or Sony, no one knows right now.

Rather disgusting actually. Why they didn't just wait until they had their own Anthem trailer sorted, I wouldn't know. Maybe this is standard practice, and it's the first time we accidentally see it. I doubt Sony or EA will provide us with any explanation, and we will probably see a proper PS4 Anthem trailer popup as if nothing happened.