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Square Enix Giving Away OMIKRON: THE NOMAD SOUL Free in Memory of David Bowie

The late David Bowie was a man of many, many talents. Often viewed as a figure-head or cultural leader for those of us who were a bit weird, or different. Bowie tried to always be on the forefront of modern storytelling. In 1999 he worked with the newly formed studio, Quantic Dream on their PC and Dreamcast sci-fi adventure game: Omikron: The Nomad Soul. He played a 200-year-old being who reached out to a parallel universe in order to save his own. As a pretty cool move, publisher Square Enix is offering the PC version of the game for free on their online store. Between today and January 22nd you can pick up a free digital copy of Omikron. No doubt you've been binge watching Bowie movies, now you can switch off Labyrinth and play this bizarre, super unique action adventure title to commemorate a man who affected so many people in a very positive way.