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Storytelling E3 Trailer For MARTHA IS DEAD Tells An Eerie Tale

Telling a tale that is based on a real-life Italian legend, passed down from one generation to the next, Wired Productions has shared quite the eerie E3 trailer for Martha Is Dead. Italian-based studio LKA created this trailer for their forthcoming first-person psychological thriller and fittingly titled it ‘Tale of The White Lady’. Unfortunately, this trailer doesn’t further specify the release date that is currently set for sometime in 2021 on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

This story trailer depicts the beautiful relationship between Giulia and her Nanny, and the loving way in which the child cajoles the nanny in order to tell the tale of ‘The White Lady’ - a drowned maiden, murdered in a fit of jealousy by her lover who now stalks the shores of the lake where she suffered in her final moments, looking to drag others towards a similar demise.

One can only presume that ‘The White Lady’ is our poor Martha and our goal will be to bring her soul to peace. But we really don’t know for sure just yet. We will just have to wait for more details to be revealed as we wait for a specific launch date as well.