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SUCCUBUS: HELLISH ORGY VR Launches On GOG After Being Banned On Steam

A studio that is no stranger to meeting pushback from restrictions and bans on gaming platforms has found itself officially on a platform that doesn’t use the same guidelines. Madmind Studio recently had their game Succubus: Hellish Orgy VR banned on Steam, so now they have launched it on GOG instead. There, players can enjoy the dark perversion of this action game in full.

Explore the depths of hell, where you will encounter a variety of tantalizing challenges and encounters. The game deftly combines puzzle mechanics with intricately crafted erotic scenes, providing a unique experience for mature players. The game thoroughly explores the abyss of desire, discusses power dynamics, and themes of submission, all set against the game's hellish backdrop.

The whole situation with the ban has become a kind of meme for the studio and its fans, and the new trailer feeds on it perfectly. Oh, and if it isn’t obvious, this is a game that should be for users 18+, just as the original base Succubus title.

Here’s what the studio has to say about this situation: “Game censorship is never met with favorable opinions from players, and as developers, we are often forced to cut or modify entire scenes to meet strict censoring requirements. That's why we are especially thrilled that our adult-oriented game has gained the opportunity to premiere on GOG.

Our studio has also supported the team responsible for the console port of Succubus – Console Labs S.A. – by modifying the form of censorship in the console version (removal of pixelation). The developer will soon release the anticipated changes in the form of a free patch for the PS4/PS5 version."

Succubus: Hellish Orgy VR is available now exclusively on